As part of Kepaky’s Foundation contribution to society, it responds immediately to the needs of each time, in Cyprus, as well as abroad with:

Cultural and social actions

  • Restoration of the Holy Temple of the St. Apostles Peter and Paul at Pelendri and donation of the iconostasis. The restoration of the church had a symbolic meaning, since it constituted a common meeting place of several neighbour communities. The miraculous holy icon of the temple is kept with respect in the heart of the inhabitants of the area and every year, on the day of St. Apostles, the inhabitants of the communities of Pelendri and Potamitissa walk in procession, bringing their holy icons for the ceremony. 
  • Restoration of the basketball stadium of the Greek School in Mariupol.
  • Full coverage of the expenses for talented children in tennis, handball and other sports.
  • Fundraising for the victims of the war in Ukraine (especially in Mariupol) and in particular for the Greek population of these regions. Simultaneously, a medical supplies’ kit was bought and sent to the clinics for the injured persons of the area.
  • On April 6, 2013, after the economic recession in our country on March 2013, Kepaky organised a solidarity campaign under the title “We join hands on offering”, in cooperation with AEL for the collection of food and clothing for families in difficult economic situation.
  • Two years employment (2011-2013) of a Social Worker for the AmEA Programme “Ikaros” at Pelendri. It is a programme which serves people from 8 regions of the area and is addressed to adults encountering psychiatric and psychological problems, mental retardation, dwarfism and DOWN syndrome.
  • Prize of Russian Language skills to an excellent student of the Senior Class of the St. Spyridona Lyceum.
  • Fundraising for a fellow man with acute leukemia
  • 3 scholarships for computer classes at Eurolab provate institute.
  • Sending of stationery (200 notebooks and 200 pens) for the educational needs of children in Kenya.
  • €1000 to a student as a support for the loss of his mother.
  • Donation of 10 computers to children of the Academies of AEL in cooperation with
  • Participation at the World Autism Awareness Day, “Light it Up Blue”, on April 2. Joining hands to this international initiative, on this day the building where the premises of the KEPAKY are being housed is illuminated in blue lights.


  • To Agia Akepi
  • To the Youth Center of Pelendri
  • To Friends and Emigrants of Pelendri Association
  • To Cyprus Anti-Cancer Society
  • To Radiomarathon Foundation
  • To Oncology paediatrics department of Makario Hospital
  • To Christodoula March
  • To KYFA HIV/AIDS Supporting Center for housing construction
  • To Association “Make a Wish” for the fear of Mr. David Simpson
  • To the Parents’ Association of Fred Cross
  • To Children’s Home
  • To Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family
  • To Melathron Agoniston EOKA

Financial aid for health issues

  • To a young family man, who had to be transferred abroad for a heart operation
  • To a child, who was born with kidney failure and artery stenosis and had to be transferred to the UK for surgical operation
  • For a two-year girl suffering from a rare disease, which prevents her from breathing and eating properly
  • For speech therapy sessions of a girl for seven months, whose family is in a difficult financial situation
  • To a young family man, who had to be transferred to Israel for therapy
  • To a young person who suffers from liver problems and was waiting in the UK for transplantation
  • For a three years old girl, who had to be transferred to the UK for a surgical operation for tracheostomy removal and meningomyelocele assessment
  • To a young person with hearing problems for the acquisition of hearing aids
  • To a family for the payment of the electricity bill
  • To a family for the payment of the water bill
  • For an operation in Athens to a person with cerebral palsy
  • For a little girl’s transfer to Israel in order receive multiple sclerosis therapy
  • For the travelling expenses for transfer to Bulgaria for therapy for panic attacks
  • For the purchase of hearing aids of a 5-year old child
  • For the cancer therapy treatment of a teenager in Germany
  • For horse riding therapy sessions for a child with serious health problems
  • For sensory integration therapy sessions to children with autism